Competitions & Promotions

Competitions & Promotions View all AnotherDayOnly Deal Drops & Freebie Terms & Conditions | 3 Dec 2024 AnotherDayOnly PayDayParty Deal Drops & Freebie Terms & Conditions

  1. Promotion Period: The AnotherDayOnly PayDayParty Deal Drops promotions, including the Freebie Deal, are valid on 3 December 2024 from 00:00 until 23:59, or while stocks last.

  2. Limitations: Each customer is limited to one item per deal, including the freebie promotion Himalaya PartySmart Capsule (1's). Deals will remain available until stock is fully depleted.

  3. Cart and Checkout: Items placed in the cart are not secured. Your transaction is only confirmed once you complete the checkout process and payment.

  4. Shipping: Standard shipping rates apply to all orders. Please note that free standard shipping for first-time customers is not applicable to the Freebie Deal.

  5. Voucher Use: Only one voucher may be used per order. Vouchers, including Abandoned Cart vouchers, cannot be used for the Freebie Deal. If an item is returned, voucher values used in the transaction will not be refunded.

  6. Cancellation Rights: reserves the right to cancel orders, either in full or in part, at its sole discretion. In the event of cancellation, any payments already made will be refunded in accordance with our refund policy.

  7. Personal Information and Documentation: For certain deliveries, such as televisions, personal information and documentation may be required from the customer.

  8. Liability Disclaimer: is not responsible for incomplete payments due to technical issues, including but not limited to hardware or software failures, server, satellite, or network problems.

  9. Misuse and Suspension: reserves the right to suspend access to a customer's account or the app if misuse, tampering, or fraudulent activity is detected. This includes orders where irregularities or unfair methods are identified. Any payments made will be refunded following our refund policy.

  10. Returns Policy: No returns will be accepted for 100% off Freebie Deals. All promotions are subject to's standard Terms & Conditions and Returns Policy.

Happy shopping, and good luck!

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